
SEPTEMBER calendar


. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .


September - kugatsu 九月 

.................... 01 ................................................................................

. Kanto earthquake memorial day 震災記念日 .
at 11:58:44 am JST on September 1, 1923.

. Bon of the Wind (kaze no bon 風の盆) .
Toyama prefecture, Japan

. Kashima Shrine Festival 鹿島祭 .

. 210th day after the beginning of spring
nihyaku tooka 二百十日 .

. School year begins in Mongolia .

boosai yoohin tenken no hi 防災用品点検の日
day of general checkups for disaster goods
advocated by disaster and catastrophy adviser
山村武彦 Yamamura Takehiko.
Not only on the Day of the Great Kanto Earthquake (September 01), but four times a year, including the first day of March, June and December.

.................... 02 ................................................................................

. Tsuruga Festival 敦賀祭 .
shrine Kehi Jinja festival 気比祭. A town visited by Matsuo Basho.

. KUTSU - ku tsu 靴の日 day of the shoes .

.................... 03 ................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Saint Donryu 呑龍忌, 1623 .

.................... 05 ................................................................................

. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Memorial Day - India .
Teacher's Day

.................... 07 .................................................................................

. hakuro 白露 white dew .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 08 .................................................................................

. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 聖母生誕祭 .

.................... 09 .................................................................................

. Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo 重陽) .
"double prime number nine"

. Memorial Day for Ihara Saikaku, Ibara Saikaku 井原西鶴 .

.................... 11 .................................................................................

. Ginger Market and Festival 生姜市 .
Shrine Shiba Myojin 芝神明祭 Tokyo

. World Trade Centre Tragedy (2001) USA .
Nine Eleven 2001

. Exaltation of the Cross 十字架祭 .

.................... 14 .................................................................................

. Kamakura Hachimangu Shrine Festival 鶴岡八幡祭 .

. Saint Cyprian .

.................... 15 .................................................................................

. Respect for the Aged Day 敬老の日 .
roojin no hi 老人の日

. Memorial Day for Arakida Moritake 荒木田守武 .

.................... 18 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 .
Taikoo Ki 太閤忌 - Hideyoshi Ki 秀吉忌

.................... 19 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
Shiki ki 子規忌, hechima-ki 糸瓜忌, Dassai Ki 獺祭忌

. St. Demetrius Day .
Sheperds Winter Starts - Romania

.................... 21 .................................................................................

. Dazaifu Festival 大宰府祭 in Fukuoka .

. World Peace Day .

.................... 22 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Dogen Zenji 道元禅師 .

. World Car Free Day, Carless Day .

. Playing for Change Day .

.................... 23 .................................................................................

. shuubun 秋分 autumn equinox .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

. World Deaf Day .

.................... 27 .................................................................................

. We Day - We Schools in Action .

Arthur's Day - Arthur Guinness - Beer

.................... 28 .................................................................................

. Memorial ritual for Confucius in Autumn 秋の釈奠 .

. World Heart Day .

.................... 29 .................................................................................

. Feast of Saint Michael 聖ミカエル祭 .

. Michaelmas - England .

.................... first Monday .................................................................................

. Labour Day, Labor Day - USA .

. WKD : September - a Haiku Month .


. WKD : World Days in September .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - September .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - September .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .


BACK : Top of this Saijiki



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